Moki Green

Clean and Sustainable

Energy for Everyone

MoKi Green Global is a leader in sustainable energy solutions, offering scalable and flexible technologies that cater to everything from small applications, such as mobile device charging, to providing clean energy for entire cities. Their solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring sustainable energy for all levels of demand.

Total Freedom

With an infinite battery, your devices are always ready, with no need for recharging. Enjoy total freedom of use anywhere, without interruptions.

Charging Revolution

Public Infrastructure

We are revolutionizing electric mobility with on-the-go charging technology, eliminating the need for traditional charging stations. This innovation provides drivers with complete independence on the road and addresses “range anxiety,” enabling long, safe journeys and facilitating the mass adoption of electric vehicles.

On-the-Go Charging

Innovative technology that recharges electric vehicles on the move, eliminating the need for stops.

Limitless Autonomy

Resolve "range anxiety" with continuous charging, enabling long journeys without worries.

Cost reduction
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Increase in Range
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tons CO² saved/year
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Innovative Solutions for

Public Infrastructure

Independent Public Lighting

A self-sufficient lighting system that operates without grid connections, ensuring efficiency and sustainability anywhere.

Self-Sufficient Well-Being

Health and care centers that operate continuously with renewable energy, even during crises.

Operational Cost Reduction

Solutions that significantly reduce costs while enhancing the safety and resilience of public infrastructure.

The Future is Connected to

Energy Self-Sufficiency

Energy self-sufficiency is the key to a sustainable future, where communities and devices operate independently, utilizing clean and renewable energy without relying on external sources.

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Cities around the world are already utilizing it.

Uninterrupted Autonomy

Devices always charged, eliminating the need for recharging pauses—perfect for the fast pace of modern life.

Advanced Sustainability

Reduction of battery waste and decreased reliance on traditional energy sources, promoting a greener future.

Maximized Productivity

Greater efficiency in work and leisure, with no worries about running out of power, allowing full focus on daily activities.